الفئات الموضوعية

رقم الطلب العنوان النشر المؤلف
1 a HF1002
القاهرة : الدار المصرية اللبنانية , 1993 السويفي، مختار
2 a HF5549.5
.M63 N44
1001 Ways to Energize Employees
New york : Workman publishing , 1997 Nelson, Bob
3 a HF5383
175 High-Impact Cover Letters
New York : John Wiley and sons , 1992 beaty, Richard H.
4 a HF5635
Acounting : The Basis for Business Decisions
New York : Mcgrow-Hill , 1993 Meigs, Robert F
5 a HF3756
.Z5 A53
Analytical review of developments and issues in the external trade and payments situation of countries of western Asia .
S.L : ESCWA , 1992 ESCWA
6 a HF5667
Auditing : An Assertions Approach
NewYork : Johnwiley , 1997 Taylor, Donald H. 1933
7 a HF5691
Business Mathematics ACanadian Focus
Toronto : Copp Clark Longman Ltd , 1994 Thompson, John
8 a RefHF1373
Coede lexikon des international handles :English-Deutsch Deutsch-Englisch
S.L : Oldenbourg Verlag Munchen Wien , 1996 Verlag, Oldenbourg
9 a HF5635
College Accounting
USA : Von Hoffman Press , 1996 Peters, Judith M.
10 a HF3506.5
Commerce Made Simple
London : made simple Books , 1985 Whitehead, Geoffrey
11 r RefHF1002
A dictionary of economic & commerce :English - Arabic
Beirut : Librarie du liban , 1985 HENNI, MUSTAPHA
12 a HF5438.25
Direct Selling : From door to door to network marketing .
Great britain : Butterworth Heinemann , 1997 Berry, Richard
13 a HF1359
The Emergence of the Global Political Economy
London : Rouledge , 2000 Thompson, William
14 a HF5813
European Advertising Stratigies : The profiles and policies of multinational companies operating in Europe
London : Cassell , 1992 Rijkens, Rein
15 a HF5635
Financial Accounting
Homewood : Irwin , 1992 Larson, Kermit D.
16 a HF5548.4
Getting Result With Microsoft Office 97 : Real world solution for the work you do
Washington : Microsoft corporation , 1996 Microsoft corporation
17 a HF1352
Globaization and Liberalization effects of international Economic Relations on Poverty
New York : United Nation , 1996 UNITED NATION
18 a HF1713
Governing the World Economy
USA : Blackwell , 2000 Coyle, Diane
19 a HF5548.8
Human Ralations : Strateaies for Success
Chicago : IRWIN , 1995 Lomberton, Lowell H.
20 a HF5549
Human resource champions. : the next agenda for adding value and delivering results
Boston : Harvard Business School Press , 1997 Ulrich, David
21 a HF5549
Human Resource Management
London : made simple Books , 1996 Tyson, shaun
22 a HF5549
Human Resource Management Global Strategies For Managing A Diverse Workforce
United States of America : Prentice - Hall' International , 1995 Carrell, Michael R.
23 a HF5549
.A2 P75
Human Resource Management in Abusiness Context
London : International Thomson Business Pres , 1997 Price, Alan
24 a HF5635
Intermediate Accounting
Toronto : John Wiley , 1989 Kieso, Donald
25 a HF54.5
The International Directory of Buisness Information Sources and Services 1996
London : Europa Publication Limited , 1996
26 a HF1379
International Economics : Trade Theory and Polices
Chicago : IRWIN , 1995 Appleyard, Dennis R.
27 a HF1359
The International Economy
New York : Combridge , 1996 Kenen, Peter B.
28 a HF5657.4
Managerial accounting : Concepts for planning , control , decision making
Homewood : Irwin , 1991 Garrison, Ray H.
29 a HF5657.4
Managerial accounting :tools for business decision making .
New York : Wiley , 2002 Weygandt, Jerry J
30 a HF5549
Managing Human Resources on the Internet
Mejia, Luis R. Gomez
31 a HF5415.3
Market Response Models : Econometric and time series analysis
London : Kluwer acadimic publishers , 1992 Hanssens, Dominique
32 a HF5415.1265
Marketing in the Digital Age
London : pearson education , 2000 Ocnnor, John
33 a HF5414.13
Marketing Management : A Strategic Approach with A Global Orientation
Chicago : IRWIN , 1995 Boyd, Harper W.
34 a HF5415.2
Marketing research .
New york : John wiley & sons , 1997 Aaker, David
35 a HF5548.4
.M525 K67
Office XP دورة في كتاب .
حلب, [ سورية ] : شعاع للنشر والعلوم , 2001 كوراني ،نبيل
36 a HF1584
Options for Achieving internal economic connectivity and effective international trade for aviable palestinian state : أوراق المؤتمر السنوي للمعهد، وحدة الاقتصاد الفلسطيني رافعة رئيسية لإنهاء الاحتلال 23-24 كانون الثاني 2011
Ramallah : MAS, Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute , 2011 Awadallah, Faisal
37 a HF5549.2
.U5 B36
The Personnel Planning Guide : A handbook to help you and your small business with personnel managment
United States of America : Upstart Publishing Company , 1990 Jr., Bangs
38 a HF5386.5
Power,Politics,and Organizational Change : Winning the Trug Game
London : SAGE , 1999 Buchanan, Dave
39 a HF5011
Practical Studies in Buisness English and Leter Writing
Jordan : Jordan book center , 1995 Haddad, Samir
40 a HF5429
New york : Macmillan college puplishing company , 1994 Lewison, Dale M
41 a HF5549
.A2 R36
Staffing and controlling
Delhi : Kanish KA publishers , 1995 Rao, Gangadhara
42 a HF5382.6
Stepping up : Womens guide to career development .
London : The Mcgraw hill compaines , 2002 Kazerounion، Nadine
43 a HF5549
Supervision Key Link to Productivity
Chicago : IRWIN , 1996 Rre, Leslie
44 a HF1584
Trilateral Confederation A New Political Vision for Peace : the Just Way to Peacful Co - Existence on Both Sides of the Jordan River
Jerusalem : IPCRI , 1999 Hess, Arieh
45 a HF5415.32
Under Standing Customers
Oxford : Butter Worth Heinemann , 1997 Rice, Chris
46 a HF5548
.M52 T35
ابدأ مع مايكروسوفت Word 97 .
القاهرة : دار الكتب العلمية , 1998 أبو طالب، جمال
47 a FT HF5549.2
.P35 A83
أثر إضراب الموظفين العموميين على القطاعات الحيوية في فلسطين (المحاكم و النيابة العامة، التعليم، الصحة ، المواصلات ، القطاعات الإقتصادية، الأحوال المدنية ) ، الفترة من نهاية آب - منتصف تشرين الثاني 2006 .
رام الله : الهيئة الفلسطينية المستقلة لحقوق المواطن , 2007 الهيئة الفلسطينية المستقلة لحقوق المواطن
48 a HF5549.5
.E5 M34
الإختبارات و إستخدامها في إدارة الموارد البشرية و الأفراد
الاسكندرية : مركز التنمية الادارية , 1997 ماهر، أحمد
49 a HF5734.5
إدارة الاجتماعات الفعالة
القاهرة : بميك، مركز الخبرات المهنية للإدارة , 2007
50 a HF5548.2
إدارة الأعمال المكتبية المعاصرة : الأصول العلمية و تطبيقات المعلومات و تكنولوجياتها .
الرياض : دار المريخ , 1982 الهادي، محمد محمد