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Winter Session: PACE regrets U.S Declarations on Jerusalem……

Strasbourg - January 25, 2018- The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted in favor of Palestine aftermath the discussion of the explanatory memorandum by Titus Corlatean, Rappourteur (Romania, Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group) about The Israeli–Palestinian peace process: the role of the Council of Europe.

In this resolution, PACE regrets the Declaration of the United States of America on 6 December 2017 on Jerusalem. It also reiterates its support for the two –State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict based on the 1967 borders.

PACE also pointed out that it will continue to take interest in the peace process hoping that Europe will play an active role, adding that Jerusalem could become the capital of both the State of Israel and the future Palestine State.

The Assembly also recalled United Nations Security Council Resolutions for all parties involved to abide by their legal obligations under International law, and to refrain from following measures that may undermine the prospects of the peace process including the status of Jerusalem.

Furthermore; PACE shares concerns and regrets with the International community as a whole about the repercussion of the declaration on Jerusalem, however it feels that the actual situation could provide the opportunity to re-launch the peace process. It also affirms that the International community should take responsibility with the Council of Europe to achieve this goal.

Moreover; it mentioned that United States has no longer continue its role as a serious broker in the peace process after Trump’s decisions, as a result; Europe should play a meaningful role in resumption of the coming peace process.

PACE also regrets the ongoing building of Israeli settlements in the occupied lands and East Jerusalem, therefore; it calls Israeli authorities to cease building new settlements, home demolitions, confiscation of lands and forced evictions.

During debate, the absolute majority of speakers expressed their support to the Palestinians and their right to live in dignity and freedom. They slammed the Israeli policies, which violate the human rights through preventing movement, controlling water resources, in addition to exposing children to military trials. Ahed AlTammimi was a clear example to violation of international laws and principles.

During their speech before the assembly, the Palestinian legislative Council’s members Faisal Abu Shahla, Sahar Qawasmi, and Kais Abulalia stressed on Trump’s declaration and its negative impacts on peace process. They pointed out that this declaration pushed Israeli leaders to take firm steps toward enacting racism laws by kenessit which make negotiation on Jerusalem unachievable.

The PLC members also slammed Israeli policies upon which Israel violates International laws and principles calling to abide by International laws and human rights. They also emphasized that any future peace should be based on respecting international resolutions upon which Palestine will have the right to establish its own state and practice sovereignty on its lands with east Jerusalem as the capital of Palestinian State. The members also highlighted the refugees issue calling for solving it based on the resolution 194.

The members added:” The council of Europe can play a meaningful role in the peace process and the assembly should find ways to re-launch the peace process in the light of the bias of the United States to one party”.


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