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How to make a complaint

How to make a complaint>>>>>>

You can use our online service or social media site (facebook) to submit your complaint about the following issues:

· Violations of Human Rights by public civil or security authorities.

· Complaints in terms of Legal status of civil servants provided that the servant should have been first submitted his complaint to the head of his department in accordance with civil service law and by laws.

· Discrimination against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, and political affiliation.

· Failure of the executive power in providing services stated by law in terms of available resources like the right to health, education, housing and employment, or the unjustified delay in completion of transactions.

· Violations resulted in the abuse of the public office and power granted by law.

· An attack of the executive power on citizens’ properties without any justified reason.

· Delaying or refraining from implementing the decisions promulgated by judiciary power or implementing them in violation of written legal provisions.

· Complaints in term of corruption issues that take place in the public sector.

· Complaints and petitions that are related to the council’s work like the request of enacting laws, amending or revoking them as well as those complaints that are related to actions of PLC members and staff.

· Any other complaints accepted by the Speaker of the council.

Now, Make your Complaint:( The form)

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