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The Library

General Overview:
Palestinian Legislative Council Library is one of several departments within the Department of Public Relations and Media, based primarily on presenting service for members of the Council, and assistant crew as well as some government institutions and civil society organizations, and the academics, journalists, economists and legal researchers.
The library was established at the beginning of 1998, and since then, it has been working actively continuing to build the infrastructure for a modern library and modern technique. It is based on the use of the latest IT systems. During the short time period, the library crew managed to provide the library with an over of 19,000 folders. In addition to a number of specialized periodicals and Archive photographer (microfilm) specialized in multiple aspects, including issues related to laws and regulations, political science, economics, refugees, Jerusalem, Education and Social Sciences, Media, focus to cover all the concerns of committees emanating from the Council and other issues related to Palestine.
Library Message:
Serve the Palestinian legislator for the advancement of the legislative and regulatory responsibilities, by providing the necessary information to meet the needs of members of the Legislative Council, and its workers using the latest technology available.
Library functions:
• Provide information on parliamentary work in all its forms and sources.
• Provide representatives and assistant crew with the smallest data and private information, including statistical one.
• a comprehensive inventory of the different types of services and specialized information in the fields that are related to the work of the Council.
• Establishment of an extensive network of domestic and international communications in order to support the parliamentary work.
• Cataloging and classification of library holdings, according to the Congress Library system.
• Set up bibliographic database mechanism.
• Provide reference services.
Facts and Information:
The official name of the state: Palestine
Official Language: Arabic
The official name of the parliament: The Palestinian Legislative Council
The date of the founding of the office: September 1997
Number of library staff: 10 employees
Qualified librarians: 2
Library Director: Annan Hamad.
Number of Folders: 19000
Number of current periodicals: 22
The number of CDs: 35
The number of daily newspapers: 4
A user rating system: Library of Congress Global System
Indexing System: indexing Anglo-American second edition
Index type: Automatic Index (Libsys)
Beneficiaries of the library: the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, the Council staff, researchers, academics, economists, journalists.
Library: Libraries Association Palestinian, Jordanian Libraries Association, the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information membership (I know), the International Federation for Libraries and Information (IFLA)
Palestinian Legislative Council Library
Ramallah - Palestine
PO Box 1930
Tele-fax: 2958892 2-297 +
Hours: Sunday - Thursday 00: 8 - 15:00

All rights reserved to Palestinian Legislative Council, Ramallah - Almasyoun, Tel 2024 2984743 ,