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The Complaint

The ombudsman office was established in 2008, for the purpose of oversight and control over executive power, and to ensure the implementation of laws and regulations in accordance with the basic law in all ministries and governmental institutions. The ombudsman is an independent officer whose mission is to receive and follow up complaints by the public in accordance with the internal rules of procedures within his department.

The Ombudsman is responsible to the Secretary-General for all administrative issues and to the Speaker of the Council for all technical issues related to the office.

Mechanism of work in the ombudsman office:

After receiving a complaint, the ombudsman refers it to the speaker of the council who has the right to accept or reject it. At the time of accepting the complaint, the ombudsman can refer it to the specialized committees for examination when needed. Moreover, he can write a report to the PLC Bureau office if there is a need for referral to the Cabinet or any other body.

The ombudsman office can’t examine complaints out of the power granted, or not in line with rules and regulations in force.


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