The assistant secretary general serves as advisory officer to the secretary general. He follows all issues entrusted to him by secretary general within his competence and term of reference.
Assistant secretary general is responsible to oversee the work performance in departments under his responsibility, as well as supporting, and assisting the managers in all issues related to capacity building or any action plan put forward for development process.
Assistants Secretary General took office by selection. Khrishi has 4 assistants as follows:

Jamal Ibrahim Mustafa Al Khatib.
Assistant Secretary General for Legal Affairs.
Dr. Khatib was selected by Secretary General to hold the position of Assistant Secretary General as other assistants. He took over the position in January, 2006. Prior to this post he worked as General Director for Legal affairs department for 9 years.
Dr. Khatib holds the PhD in law from Cairo-Ain Shams University.

Nash’at Mohammad Abdelkhaleq Hamad.
Assistant Secretary General for committees and Sessions.
He took over the post in January,2006. Prior to be selected as assistant secretary general, Mr.Hamad was working as general Director for committees. Mr. Hamad holds the Bachelor degree of Journalism, and Media from AL-Yarmouk University-Jordan. He has long experience in issues related to the functioning of Parliamentary sessions and committees.

Ahmad Salah saleh Abu Hashish.
Assistant secretary manager for financial and administrative affairs.
Mr. Hashish assumed office as Assistant Secretary manager in October ,2006. Prior to this position Mr. Hashish was holding an administrative position as Director of Maintenance and Technical affairs. He holds the Bachelor degree of Mechanical Power Engineering from the University of Damascus.

Ahmed Hasan Ahmed Magdadi.
Assistant Secretary General for Media and International affairs.
Mr. Magdadi assumed office as Assistant Secretary General in June,2014. He holds the Master’s degree of Electronic Engineering from the “Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering –V.I. Lenin- Sofia”. He occupied the position of General Director for information Technology Department and Library for 7 years.