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Media Department

Media Department:

The basic role of the media department is to highlight activities, events, and recent works of PLC members, realizing that the free flow of information between public and their elected representatives will build an informed society based on mutual respect and democracy.

Parliamentarians are well aware of the importance of the mutual relationship with media, and they recognize that media is the intermediate body between the council and the public, thus they support the media’s role in observing and monitoring their activities, events, speeches, allowing them to attend all their meetings, sessions, and announcements within the legitimate ations and under internal rules and regulations of the council.

The media department strikes balance between the public’s legitimate right to know and the members’ privacy and personal life.

The media department has a workforce of approximately 10 staff members who work as a team to deliver the message to the general public accurately and correctly.

Media department has the right to contact other media agencies from outside the council in certain activities, and parliaments visits, but all journalist and media agencies called by the council’s media should adhere to the standing orders and instructions of the council and should have permission to access to the council’s halls and premises. All media agencies have to deliver their message to the public without infringement of personal life of parliamentarians, and they should comply with the rules and international laws connected with their profession.

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