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The Palestinian Legislative Council Realized since its establishment in 1996, the importance of its political role, and thus the importance of its role in the field of parliamentary diplomacy, which it is a must do to support the political issues of our people. This is the role that parallels its importance with the roles of the Council's parliamentary major operation in the area of the enactment of laws and regulations in the area of monitoring the performance of the executive authority.
This importance can be clarified across a simple equation stating that the legislation and oversight will regulate the lives of the Palestinian people on the basis of the transparent and democratic ways, and that parliamentary diplomacy practiced by the Palestinian Legislative Council, with other peoples on the basis of transparent and democratic, too, to make this relationship deeper and more enduring and stability.
Democratic foundations of these relations Stems out of from the democratic character which distinguishes parliamentary diplomacy compared to traditional diplomacy or the official government. They are open and transparent and liberalized more, as they come in line with the requirements of public opinion and its system of moral. It is also a democracy bases, because its administered are people those who are elected through elected parliaments, and seek to be devoted to the principle of dialogue among peoples, and to build a real company that could lead to an international and democratic state that reduces the chances of the outbreak of wars, and spread a negotiating and peaceful method to resolve disputes between states, on the basis of justice based on international law and international legitimacy.
Proceeding from the understanding of the vital character of the Council, which began to increase recently in international politics, the Legislative Council has succeeded remarkably to took advantage of the opportunity of its establishment at the time of international concern of parliamentary diplomacy, which flourished after the end of the Cold War, where the surrounding atmosphere was characterized by the openness the incline to practice democracy away from the old international polarization that was based on an ideological basis.
The Council also recognized that this diplomatic allows the Palestinian people greater opportunities to establish deep, solid and stable relationships with other people, as a relationship is established between the peoples' representatives and opinion-makers directly.
This pattern of relations necessarily leads to a comprehensive and deep international understanding of the nature and justice of the Palestinian cause, and therefore attracts broader support of the Palestinian people and their legitimate national rights, especially as we live in a crucial stage that will be decided during it fundamental conflict issues across-permanent status negotiations, namely: refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, borders and water.
The Palestinian Legislative Council has practiced an active diplomacy despite the short and recent parliamentary experience, and this experience was based on a daily practice that was subject to continuous assessment and examination, and it was not a selective or automatic act. Also this experience included official governmental fields, parliamentary and regional bodies, and institutions of public opinion.
The Department of Public Relations and Protocol is considered the administrative body that is charged of the implementation and follow-up policy adopted by the Legislative Council with respect to the activity outside of the Council, both at the International , Arabic and local level in collaboration with various departments and units of the Council. At the local level, the Council seeks to enhance communication with various segments of Palestinian society through continued visits for many delegations from governmental institutions and political parties and forces, and of course with the institutions of civil society ... etc., in order to promote democracy and to illustrate various responsibilities, and tasks of the constitutional Council for the public, in addition to its role in spreading the concepts of democracy and respect for the rule of law in the society. The Council always seeks to continue the meetings between MPs and their constituents, which allows citizens to keep informed and aware of the activities which is going on in Parliament.
According to the international level, it is considered one of the leading priorities of the Council through the various forums and activities of parliamentary and non-parliamentary alongside with the international delegations and parliaments of other sovereign nations.
The exercise of this parliamentary diplomacy doesn’t give only representatives the opportunity to explain and defend the Palestinian cause in those forums, but also allow them to exercise the powers approaching or equal to those powers granted to the sovereign and independent States regarding these activities. It is a very important step on the way to achieve Palestinian sovereignty and independence. In contrast, the Council receives many delegations, both parliamentary and non-parliamentary ongoing visits in order to build and strengthen its relations with the Palestinian Parliament, and also to follow up and see the developments in the region, which is important for the Palestinian people and their national cause as a major issue for most visiting delegations on the international level.
. Also the council exchanged correspondence with the various parliaments around the world with regard to issues of common interest, for example, but not ed to, letters addressed by the council to the parliaments of the world, and many of the responses had been received, about the abusive practices and the policy of collective punishment of Israel against our people and the issue of members of the Legislative Council who are prisoners in Israeli jails, as well as correspondence that has to do with diplomatic courtesy, such as sending thanks messages, congratulations and condolences ... etc..

The Palestinian Legislative Council had received three local delegations during the first half of the year 2010 , and fourteen foreign delegations. The Council also had participated in that period in eighteen international meetings. Also the Protocol and Public Relations department had prepared many correspondence and had provided many services for deputies, citizens or foreigners, which contribute in facilitating the work of representatives, and good reception and dealing ... with local and foreign visitors.

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