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PLC participates in the ( Escwa ) seminar on "Sustainable Development" ……..


Lebanon-The Economic and Social Commissioner for Western Asia (ESCWA) held two –day seminar on Sustainable Development Goals 2030 in Lebanon. The seminar was directed in coordination with the Office of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Jerusalem.

The PLC members Sahar Al Kawasmi, and Suha Milhem represented the Palestinian Legislative Council as well as Mohammed Shtayyeh (member of the Central Committee), Mohammad Zeidan (Secretary of the National Council), and Azmi Shuaibi, who conducted the sessions of the seminar.

The debate addressed the role and responsibilities of the parliamentarians of the Arab countries in playing a vital and active role while implementing the agenda of sustainable development objectives. Consequently, participants contemplated that through various functions of representation, legislation, and oversight, parliamentarians can ensure the integrity and inclusiveness throughout the implementation of sustainable development objectives on the social and economic aspects in their countries.

Capacity building of parliamentarians, stakeholders, and main actors was the main issue under discussion. Through brainstorming sessions, the participants discussed the ways that could be followed to increase awareness of those goals. They also concentrated on building a real partnership between all parties in order to push forward those goals, each according to their country in the Arab region.

The participants agreed on the establishment of a network where the exchange of knowledge and flow of information are necessary to increase abilities in achieving the goals and exchange experiences in this area.

During the interactive debate, Al-kawassmi said that the structuring of the United Nations and its system of protocols regarding human rights along with the international law principles are considered the most important achievement of mankind. These protocols regulate the relations between States, and protect the human rights. The United Nations’ protocols reflect the needs of people especially after the effects caused by the First and Second World Wars.

Al-Kawassmi confirmed the need to achieve three targets; the objectives of sustainable development, promotion of human rights principles along together with the application of international law. She also stated that the goal No.16 of the sustainable development goals stressed that peace is a key element, and regarding peace in Palestine, the state of Britain has to take its responsibility before the Palestinian people for Belfore declaration’s effects and instability in the region. She also emphasized the necessity of developing current states to modern states based on equal citizenship.

At the end of the second day of the seminar, the parliamentarians agreed on the need to support the objectives of sustainable development at both regional, and national level. Based on that, they decided to raise awareness through the formation of parliamentary groups that can identify specific targets and raise recommendations through the Arab Foreign Ministers to the United Nations General Assembly.

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